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I fell in love with books at a very young age. My voracious appetite for reading was a challenge for the local library and soon I progressed to reading teen romances. Finally I was old enough to purchase my books. To this day I still don't know if that was a good thing since I quickly ran out of book space. 


My desire to write romance coincided with wanting to stay home with my younger children. This also afforded me the opportunity to take classes at the local college but it was another student who gave me the best information I could've received. He told me about RWA. I joined soon after and within a couple of weeks I was attending the monthly meeting of the local Orange County Chapter/RWA which I also joined.


The online classes, monthly workshops, and interaction with published and unpublished authors was amazing. It took a while before I felt my stories were worthy of publication and I have the OCC chapter members, my family, and friends to thank for all their faith, love and support.


Many years later I still try to attend every monthly meeting to network, see old friends, and meet new authors. I know I'll always leave renewed, refreshed and inspired. 

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